The First Post of 2025

It’s 2025!

On the 1st of January every year, while most people would be busy reviewing their resolutions to start new hobbies or reach new heights from last year’s goals, I avoid setting lofty aspirations for myself. Instead, I sleep in and take it easy all day before returning to work the next day. I do jot down some goals for the year, but nothing like a firm resolution. This year, I’m making an exception. I intend to read and write a lot. You may wonder why this is an exception. What made me so firm in seeing myself follow through with my resolution? 

Years back, I used to read a book a week. And I used to take pride in my writing. It is not just me; friends and family also used to appreciate my written words. But things changed. Life happened, and my relationship with my books changed, and so with the blank page of a notepad. I got so aloof of two of my prized habits that I found it challenging to read more than two pages. Putting together two words on paper was also difficult. To put things into perspective, I have about a dozen books from last year itself that I started reading and left midway. Not something I am proud of. 

Last year was a year of introspection. I spend much time reflecting on my current self and comparing it with the version of me from yesteryears. I saw a declining trend in how I kept myself together and my communication. One thing about the practice of reading was that it used to feed my intellect, thinking, and dealing with everyday interactions with people. It reflected in my writing, which in turn fed further into my intellect, thinking and dealing with everyday inetractions with people. The feeding cycle broke somewhere in between, and I fell off too far away from it to get back. Hence, the exception this year is to be firm about my resolution. Maybe I will end this year wiser and feel proud of creating scores of written content on this blog site.

On my-everything-blog, as the name suggests, I will be writing about everything that fancies me. A recurring theme might be the books I read throughout the year. Occasionally, there will be mention of my furry baby, Mr. O. At the time of writing this post, he is an 8-month-old kitten. He has been instrumental in changing my life (Waking up at 3:30 am every morning to feed a cat does change one’s life) and being more disciplined. His shenanigans are something to wonder about. And I feel the readers might like to read about him.

I am Mr. J, by the way. At the time of writing this post, I am a 40-year-old man who lives in Toronto. I have a love-hate relationship with the city. Often, I think of leaving Toronto behind and migrating across the pond — more about that in a future blog post. I love solitude and the company of very close friends. Also, at the time of writing this post, I have two close friends, Mr. S and Mrs. M. Expanding this social circle has been a bit of a struggle and a repealing idea for me. Put me in a room full of human beings, and you may find me trying to cast a spell on the crowd to make them disappear. Hence, you see, I chose to bring Mr. O into my life! 

This is my first post of the year on this brand new blog website – my-everything-blog. I hope to see some strangers read and comment (that’s the kind of human interaction I can deal with) on their thoughts. It’s a good start, I must say. I am looking forward to the next 52 weeks and more of blogging.

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